Data Analysis and Due diligence

Data Analysis and fraud Investigations

With respect to Data Analysis, we review the accuracy, validity, reliability, and timeliness of raw data (e.g. sales and purchase transactions), primary records (e.g. stock reports, debtor and creditor analysis, etc.), budgets, management reports including the monthly / quarterly management accounts, and other management reports.

We also perform Financial and Fraud Investigations that are designed to confirm whether fraud or misappropriation has been committed, assess extent of loss suffered, examine scope for further fraud / misappropriation, and develop controls to reduce scope for further losses.


Due Diligence Reviews

MACL will also undertake Due Diligence Reviews / Investigations that are designed to:

a) Assist a potential purchaser to gain a better understanding of the business to be acquired.  The investigation seeks to identify the advantages and risks associated with the acquisition, provide information to enable the purchaser to properly evaluate the target company / business, identify problems that may not be apparent to the purchaser, and hence assist the purchaser in determining the value / price to offer.

b) Assist a potential seller of a business to assess the price that should be sought and to provide some of the material to be included sale memorandum to be shown to potential purchasers.